As I sit here this early September morning, I find myself doing something that I don’t do too often: pondering. As I am now in my 6th decade of existence, life seems to be going by faster and faster. At the same time, I feel as if I’m getting slower and slower. Something is wrong with that equation, but I doubt if Einstein even had that figured out.

Einstein. Smart man. Brings to mind another smart man, or at least a strategic, wise man, Solomon. You know, from ancient Biblical times. That Solomon. Writer of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, among other books. I’m going to paraphrase, just from memory, but a couple of his timeless sayings went something like this – “There is nothing new under the sun” and “To everything there is a time”.

As I was ‘pondering’ all of this early this morning, I was reading ‘Our Daily Bread’ to my wife as she prepared for work. The reading this morning included Psalm 136, which repeats the phrase “His love endures forever” and then 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12, which speaks about, among other things, how each one of us has different abilities, different gifts.


This all made me think of Emmanuel. Emmanuel Rivera. Emmanuel is my ‘Strategic Business Partner’. Impressive terminology to a simple minded hunter like me! What it basically means, is a guy who can accomplish things in business that I can’t even imagine!

I remember the first time I was introduced to Emmanuel, by his wife, Deanna. My first thought was, ‘God is with us’. That is what ‘Emmanuel’ means in the biblical sense, but I expect most people know that. For me, it was the first inkling I had of what Emmanuel was going to mean to my wife and I, as we struggled to make sense of trying to run a business, ScopeShield. At the time, it seemed as if ScopeShield was running us, and less as if we were running ScopeShield.

I started developing what has become known as ScopeShield over 20 years ago, and I had little idea of where it would go, what it would become, or where it would take me. It started on an island in Alaska called Prince of Wales Island, in the little town of Thorne Bay. Now, over 20 years later, I’m making the final preparations to return to where this all started.

Emmanuel Rivera is now my good friend and strategic business partner. I’m going to be telling you more about him as time goes by. ScopeShield has always striven to bring you the highest quality, most useful rifle scope protection available on the market today. However, many hunters, to this day, have never heard of ScopeShield, or are aware of how it can help them in their hunting and shooting endevours. This is where Emmanuel comes in.

A Strategic Partner, a Strategic Mind

I’m no businessman. I’m a hunter. Emmanuel hasn’t had all of the hunting experiences I’ve had, but in the business world, he’s as good a hunter. Without Emmanuel, the world would go by without ever knowing the strategic advantages of using a ScopeShield.

Emmanuel knows modern business, the importance of the internet, and in today’s world, he is as indispensable as my rifle, my knife, my map and my survival gear are to me in my world, the hunting world.

The more I get to know Emmanuel, the more I appreciate what he brings to the game. For that reason, Emmanuel has become more involved in the business side of ScopeShield, where he is most successful. This means I can get back to the ‘business’ of hunting, and helping you improve all of your experiences out in the field.

Nothing new under the sun. There’s a time for everything, and a season. Each of us has our own gift, our own unique ability. Emmanuel – God with us. ‘His love endures forever’.

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