During the off-season, I try to keep busy by taking ScopeShields to as many gun shows as I can. At gun shows, you meet many interesting, friendly people who visit your booth or hold booths of their own. I’ve known a lot of gun show vendors over the years, and by and large, they’re a great group of people.

I’ve heard a lot of wonderful stories too. Usually, when you set up your table at a gun show, you don’t know who your fellow vendors on either side of you, in front of you, or behind you. It changes, show to show. During the slow times, you swap merchandise and life stories with the guys around you. Relationships develop, and before long, it’s almost like you’re part of one big fellowship, the Brotherhood of Gun Show Vendors.

My newest son-in-law, Keenan, has been helping me out at the last few gun shows. He’s been a great help, and I’ve had more time to really get to know him, through his help at the gun shows. His first wedding anniversary just past last month, so we really haven’t had much of a chance to really get to know each other for a long period of time. I’ll have to say, from my point of view, that our time spent at gun shows together has been a great time of bonding and just learning more about each other. He’s a great help in the ScopeShield business, and as he’s currently attending college, majoring in business and economics, maybe someday you’ll be dealing more with him, and I’ll be able to spend more time hunting. Hmmm. Not a bad idea!

Gun shows are a great way to meet or get to know people, while checking out new gear. Whether you’re a vendor or just an observer you’ll really have a good time at a gun show. If you find yourself with nothing to do during the off-season, look into heading out to a gun show nearby. Bring a friend, father-in-law or your kids along with you for a great time and some healthy bonding.

Until next time, protect your scopes. May the good Lord bless you richly in all things.

Good Hunting!



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